Choices and Voices

by Jennifer Bab on August 31, 2019

When building Moxie Chic’s presence on the web, the “Your Choice, Your Voice” tagline and #VoiceYourMoxie handle for social media outlets were organic outcomes of the moxie products and messaging. 

Moxie Chic’s emphasis on “choice” and “voice” took hold in May 2019 -- not surprisingly, during a time when CHOICE and VOICE were salient topics for me:

CHOICE:  May 2019 you may remember marked the flurry of anti-abortion legislation being passed by various states.  The aim it served was to provoke a legal challenge that could result in the overturning of Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion up until viability (which at the time of Roe vs. Wade was established at 22-24 weeks after conception). Putting aside politics, suffice it to say, I participated in many conversations around that time -- from legal to moral to philosophical -- about a woman’s right to choose. And that got me thinking much about both the relevance and importance of CHOICE more generally.  

One is presented with choices every moment of every day. Our lives are a culmination and combination of every decision made and action taken based on those choices. Turning to philosophy, Voltaire’s Candide comes to mind. In the face of exposure to unbelievable hardships and disaster, Candide maIntained his optimism. The book ends with Candide’s advice to “cultivate our own garden”. Through this indomitable character, Voltaire instructs us that while life may be unfair or unkind, we each have the choice and ability to create our own meaning and happiness. It’s incumbent upon each of us to make good decisions and take positive actions (and seed, sow and nurture them) to lead as full and as happy a life as possible. 

Apart from Moxie Chic providing many shirt styles and designs from which to choose, this Moxie project encourages girls to recognize choices generally, make good decisions and take positive actions.

VOICE:  Also in May 2019, I personally suffered from months of laryngitis, when I learned from vocal specialists that years of misusing my voice permanently damaged my vocal chords, requiring vocal therapy to heal my vocal chords and prevent further damage. Not having a voice was frustrating and downright crippling. As the adage goes, you don’t realize what you have until you lose it -- and this was certainly true with my voice. As a former practicing lawyer and a forever extrovert, I always used my voice quite freely (my husband and kids can attest to that!). I took my voice for granted -- until that day in May 2019 when I lost it. These months of being unable to adequately communicate and express myself became a metaphor. I couldn’t help but feel extraordinary sympathy, and even empathy, for the many women in the world -- whose vocal chords were in perfect shape -- but who otherwise had no “voice.” I saw my physical loss of voice to be akin on some level to the lack of voice that women have felt throughout the centuries and continue to feel (in some countries more than others) throughout the world.

Giving women a platform to use their voice, especially to effect positive change, became even more of a critical component of this Moxie project.

With that, Moxie Chic selected “Your Choice, Your Voice” as a tagline and #VoiceYourMoxie as the handle for all Moxie social media outreach.  

Today, there are numerous forums and platforms that give girls the opportunity to express her voice. Each channel provides a different focus, and uses different “tones” and “volumes”. At Moxie Chic, the goal is to celebrate and elevate girls -- so let’s keep it positive and turn up the volume and get to business!  

I am counting on you to dial in to #VoiceYourMoxie to share (even BRAG) about those female accomplishments and successes personal to you (or those you respect and applaud). I want us together to amass COUNTLESS success stories about what girls do around the globe -- to better themselves and others and contribute to society. 

I want to create an infinite, live, running log of inspiration for girls. 

These stories are meant to be positive for all to admire and to which girls can aspire. With each story, we hope to unleash inspiration and make it contagious. No success is too large or small. Every girl’s story matters.

Write to us at so we can learn about you, and hopefully post your story!


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